I love meeting new students for the first time. With these kiddos I recognized quite a few from the previous year and coaching. It looks to be a good group. I always seem to think that and normally get it about 90% right.
What amazes me is the heartfelt concern parents have for their children. I haven't met a single parent tonight that hasn't expressed an interest to have their child succeed. They're interested. They care. Now, whether it's an act or not is anybody's guess. I choose to believe with all sincerity. Call it a goal of mine, but I believe in the good in humanity. We don't always get it right, but there are times when we have moments. Those moments must be nurtured if we are to improve ourselves and the rest of humankind.
I've seen a few students from my previous class who were here to get their schedules. Such good kids. Each has their own particular story. One former student, a brilliant young lady, was terribly nervous about the coming school year---she was almost shaking. Another told me about a pet that had recently died. He teared up in front of me and apologized for his tears. No need...it's okay. Yet another, a challenging student came in and coolly asked how things were. We chatted quite a few minutes. He remained aloof, but on the verge of something more. Others were excited---some indifferent. All former students struggling to figure out who they are and where they're going. All very much human.
Do you remember when you weren't quite human, but rather something alien--appearing human on the outside, but feeling weird and strange on the inside? I remember. I used to hide in my coat. I kept it zipped to the top. "Buuuurrrrrrr...it's cold." Not sure how many times I heard that in junior high school. It wasn't nice. I lived through it...maybe I'm scarred. Oh well...must go on living.
How cool that you can reach back into your own memories and pull out pieces of your history that connect you to your kids. Maybe that's why they decide that you're the one who gets to hear about the lost pets.